Our Team.
James Jorasch is a named inventor on more than 650 patents. His success as an inventor and entrepreneur comes in large part from his discovery, in high school, of memory techniques. He learned that it was much easier to take tests if he constructed a memory palace, mnemonics and creative images to represent facts in his mind. His fascination with how the brain works led him to other activities, such as public speaking and improv. It was at improv that he met Chris Harwood, a stand-up comedian and engineer who has worked in the Google AdWords group.
James found that Chris shared a passion for memory, and the two went on to compete in the US Memory Championship. Chris was a finalist in 2009 and 2011 and James memorized an entire deck of playing cards in 4 minutes and 32 seconds.
Chris and James combined their talents in memory and advertising and realized that advertisements could be more effective if they were optimized for recall. The pair spent two years developing a system for creating memorable messages in advertising. They have consulted on memory for finance, media, advertising and Fortune 500 companies such as Xerox and GE. Now they are the core team of Memory Layer.
They both attended Cornell University where James received a BS and MBA degree and Chris received a BA and a Masters of Engineering in Computer Science. The company offices are located in midtown Manhattan.
Chris and James combined their talents in memory and advertising and realized that advertisements could be more effective if they were optimized for recall. The pair spent two years developing a system for creating memorable messages in advertising. They have consulted on memory for finance, media, advertising and Fortune 500 companies such as Xerox and GE. Now they are the core team of Memory Layer.
They both attended Cornell University where James received a BS and MBA degree and Chris received a BA and a Masters of Engineering in Computer Science. The company offices are located in midtown Manhattan.